Common Furnace Issues & What Causes Them

February 19th, 2024

If you have a furnace, it’s a good idea to be aware of common issues that can negatively impact your furnace’s ability to heat your home. When you can stay ahead of problems, you can prevent your furnace from facing a major breakdown or needing significant repairs.

You can keep reading to learn more about some of the common signs of furnace problems and what each one means. If you notice any of them, call our heating contractors in Brighton to schedule service so that we can come out and check your furnace to fix any potential issues. 

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4 Tips for Saving Money on Your Home Heat

February 5th, 2024

Winter may be halfway over, but there’s still plenty of time in the season to save money on energy costs for heating your home. You can find smart ways to adjust your thermostat and maintain home comfort while maximizing your heater output. And if you think you need a little help, you can always call one of our heating contractors to schedule a service appointment. 

We can answer your questions and offer recommendations for how to make the most out of heating for your home. Just keep reading to learn more about our top four tips for saving money on your home heat for the rest of the winter season. Then, you can implement these tips again in the fall when you turn your heater back on.

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Which HVAC System Makes the Most Sense for Your Home?

January 22nd, 2024

It’s your first time replacing your HVAC system, and you’re not sure what to pick. That’s okay–it’s a big decision that lasts for 10-15 years, so you’re giving it the right amount of scrutiny.

Today, we’re going to help you figure out which HVAC in Pittsford NY makes the most sense for you by breaking down the three main HVAC system types found in homes across the country.

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Clear Signs of Great Heating Contractor Companies

January 8th, 2024

You need your furnace repaired, or at the very least, to set up annual maintenance so that it doesn’t fall into disrepair. Whatever the problem is, it’s not going to get better unless you have the right heating company in your home to help you out. But in the vast number of results you get when you search for a contractor company, how do you choose?

Finding a heating contractor in Penfield doesn’t have to be difficult. Instead of cherry-picking from search results, we’ll help you develop a quick and easy process to vet the perfect heating contractor company for your needs. And we’ll do it right now.

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This Sensor Could Be Forcing Your Furnace to Shut Down Early

December 25th, 2023

Your furnace has a lot of working parts that rely on one another to handle various operations. Some are vital, some are helpful but won’t cause a full breakdown if they’re experiencing some issues, but this little sensor? It can prevent your furnace from even starting in the first place.

The flame sensor is the reason we see a lot of Brighton heating repair requests. When this seemingly small component isn’t working, it can make your entire furnace look like it’s broken. Before you jump to conclusions and think that you have to repair your furnace because it won’t turn on, read this.

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How to Prepare Your Home for a Boiler Installation

December 11th, 2023

Getting a new heating system installed is fantastic, but the actual installation day? It can feel a little stressful, especially when you don’t know what you’re supposed to do as a homeowner to make sure it goes smoothly. That’s what this post is all about–helping you make sure it goes off without a hitch, at least by controlling what’s in your power to control.

So before the day of your boiler installation actually comes, follow this quick list to make sure your home is ready. If all goes well, you can get this done ahead of time and not have to worry when your technicians arrive.

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What Counts as an Emergency Water Heater Repair?

November 27th, 2023

Your water heater isn’t doing its job, but what constitutes an emergency call and what’s just a standard repair call? If you’re curious, we’ll help you figure it out so you don’t end up making an emergency call when you don’t need to. We’ve seen tons of water heaters in Pittsford NY and know the ins and outs of how these calls go. Let’s help you discern between a problem and an emergency for your water heater.

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3 Crucial Furnace Tips to Prevent Breakdowns

November 13th, 2023

Ever get stuck in the throes of typing in “furnace service near me” on a Tuesday night at 6:00 PM, only to find that you’re not getting the results you want? That’s why it pays to have a furnace repair company already in mind, that you can call for anything.

But we’ll go one step further–we’ll be that company for you, and teach you how to prevent breakdowns from happening in the first place. It’s a pretty win-win situation if you ask us. Here’s what you can do to stop your furnace from shutting down on you.

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What Should You Look for in Heating Contractors?

October 16th, 2023

Choosing the right heating contractors for your home isn’t a small task. You want to have confidence in the team that you hire to come into your home and work on your heating system. That’s understandable, and we’re here to help make sure you get exactly that. This is what you should look for in heating contractors.

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3 Repairs Your Central Heating System Will Run Into

October 2nd, 2023

Winter is fast approaching and it’s time to turn your heater on. When you do, you may notice some odd smells at first as it burns off dust, maybe a few banging sounds, but it’s standard–it’s like your heater is waking up for the season.

But then there’s the not-so-standard things that turn into central heating repairs in Brighton, and that’s what we’re going to talk about today. These three repairs will eventually befall your heating system, so it’s important to know about them now and get ahead.

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